Friday 3 November 2023

Mannequin Body Detachable Mannequin Full Body Female & Male Full Body Mannequin Adjustable Body Easy To Assemble & Store

Mannequin Full Body

Introducing Our New Range of Full Body Mannequins

Let's offer a jubilant cheerio to the newest superstars on the fashion stage, the MIYAK Full Body Mannequins. Expertly crafted down to the very last detail, these mannequins serve as the vogueish embodiment of contemporary style. Their utter sophistication and practicality are a sight to behold, whether they're dominating the shop floor, parading on the window display, or holding court over the counter. Our dynamic duo, Sophie and Oliver , represent the pinnacle of fashion dynamism, ensuring that your clothing items are showcased with panache.

MIYAK Full Body Mannequins are designed for those who won't compromise. We understand that in the ever-changing world of fashion, your presentation methods need to keep pace. It's not just about being current - it's about striving for the next big thing, always seeking that edge. And we believe that our full body mannequins, with their unassailable quality and versatility, are just that - the next big thing.

These are mannequins for modern businesses. They celebrate the powers of adaptability and innovation. Detachable and easy to assemble, these mannequins redefine practicality, demonstrating an admirable ability to keep up with the hustle and bustle of today's retail world. Above all, they share your commitment to excellence, stepping up to the limelight to put your fashion masterpieces under the deserving spotlight. Can't wait to meet them? Discover more .

Lightweight Mannequin

Lightweight and Mobile

In an environment where agile response is imperative, it's about time your mannequins shared the workload. These MIYAK Full Body Mannequins are precisely crafted to resolve this very issue. Weighing in at an impressively light range, they’re genuine game-changers. Their featherweight design is achieved without any compromise on sturdiness. As such, they present an unparalleled alliance of reliability with manoeuvrability that delivers an effortless retail experience.

Each MIYAK Full Body Mannequin is designed with a unique blend of materials, offering a lightweight body that is easy to handle. Whether you need to quickly change your display or move the mannequin to a different location within your shop, the struggle of heavy lifting will be a part of history. And for those who appreciate the flexibility in photo shoots, these mannequins will be your faithful companions, ready to shift locations or poses on your whim.

Expect a transformative experience when every movement is no longer a chore, but a breeze. Curate your displays with greater ease, speed, and creativity. Adjust to the rhythm of retail and stay apace of changing seasons, trends and promotions. With MIYAK Full Body Mannequins, keep your floor dynamic, your team motivated, and your customers interested.

Male and Female Mannequin

Versatile and Adjustable

At MIYAK, we appreciate the diversity in style, fashion, and needs in the retail industry. We also embrace the fact that one size cannot fit all. This is why our Full Body Mannequins come with substantial versatility and adjustability. Break free from the traditional mannequin norms, and welcome the liberating flexibility these adjustable bodies offer. Both the male and female versions showcase care and precision in mimicking human dimensions and proportions. A distinct waist curve gracefully contours the body's silhouette, adding a touch of realism beyond the usual abstract forms.

Don't be confined to one static pose anymore. The agility built into our models is meant to proffer a tantalising variety of display options. The head, elegantly shaped, can be rotated freely up to 360°, aligning the gaze to wherever you desire. This feature can create eye-catching displays, promote interactive setting creations and make floor navigation an enchanting ordeal for visitors. The host of different poses you can achieve with this feature alone truly sets MIYAK Full Body Mannequins apart.

This combination of gender-specific realism, rotational freedom, and the sturdy drawing panel base opens a new realm of possibilities. The strength lies in their stability, adaptation, and the perfect balance of elegance and ruggedness. These mannequins stand unwavering and firm, a testament to your brand's steadfast quality while exuding an air of sophistication and, undeniably, fit to be the cornerstone of your visual merchandising.

Detailed Mannequin

Detailed Design

We believe that it is the smallest details that often make the biggest difference. In every corner and crease of our Full Body Mannequins, you'll find a meticulous devotion to design details. Observe the fine precision of the head interface, complemented by a robust screw pattern design. This offers a swift link during assembly, saving you precious set-up time while providing a stable connection for the head. Enhanced further by the pendant arms' intuitive installation process and the versatile swing of each finger, the MIYAK Full Body Mannequin promises a user-friendly experience.

Meticulous detailing contributes towards the mannequin's elevated realism. The cloth round shoulder design, faithful to human dimensions, offers a glimpse of authenticity that mirrors the natural form. The human-like proportions are designed to do more than just mimic; they elevate. These Full Body Mannequins are not just silent clothes bearers; they partake in every fashion narrative, propelling stories of style and sophistication that raise the fabrics draped over them. Every strand, every stitch is visualised to convey your brand's ethos convincingly.

These mannequins, with their comprehensive detailing, shape and form, not only enhance the clothes they adorn but also the environment they inhabit. As they stand in your shop floor, besides embodying the garments, they also add an aesthetically pleasing touch to your décor, setting the stage for a pleasing shopping experience. With this unique blend of precision and sustainability, our Full Body Mannequins help you stay true to your sustainable ethos while continually enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

Mannequin for Display

An Exquisite Addition To Your Display Showcase

Undoubtedly, an inviting fashion showcase is the result of a retail experience that goes beyond the ordinary. It narrates an unforgettable visual story. At MIYAK, our Full Body Mannequins endeavour to do just that, offering an exquisite addition to your display that elevates your brand. Experience the transformative power of these mannequins as they not only exhibit your garments in their most flattering form but also captivate the attention of potential customers through their sheer sophistication and grace.

These Full Body Mannequins showcase neither robotic features nor flat abstraction. Keen attention has been paid to create forms with a touch of the human essence, combining this with an elegant, modern appeal. Their adjustable, versatile, and lightweight traits beautify your showcase further, providing a pleasing aesthetic treat for the eyes of your discerning customers. Watch as your brand's reputation soars, fuelled by the finesse and allure of these enigmatic MIYAK mannequins.

As you navigate the seas of the ever-evolving world of fashion, ignite your passion and let the MIYAK Full Body Mannequins be your staunch ally. Transform any ordinary retail floor into a luxurious haven that draws customers in and leaves an indelible mark. Don't hesitate any longer, enhance your display now and let the world take notice. To get the best deal and further information, click here.

Mannequin Specifications

Main Product Specifications

Both models stand tall at 182 cm for female and 190 cm for male. They are made from high-end bamboo fabric and offered in 'Cloth Head' variant. Weighing around 15.5 kg for the female model and slightly heavier for the male model at 16.5 kg, they're robust yet portable.

Customer Reviews

Hear It From Customers

Amelia says, "This full body mannequin has added an elegant edge to our display. Easy to assemble and move around!"
George says, "I love how natural it looks. Fits our male apparel perfectly."
Rosie says, "A stylish, easy-to-move full body model that is a complete value for money."

Don't Miss Out!

Experience the versatile, adjustable, and stylish mannequin bodies that are currently changing the game in the fashion industry. Order now to start diversifying the way your products are displayed and attract more customers.

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